Friday, July 3, 2009

Unbearably cute.

Hey, folks. 
I have a little cat on my computer who chases my mouse around. I don't quite remember where I got it- I think it may be a yahoo! widget- but it is undoubtably one of the neatest little programs I've ever seen. His name is Neko, he chases the mouse, scratches himself, and can eventually fall asleep in a little ball. Well, a little while ago I had Neko with his grey coat (you can pick several different looks, as well as behavioral settings) hanging out on my computer screen. I was doing something else for a few minutes, and I looked up and Neko had fallen asleep in the lap of a friend, who appeared to be stroking Neko's head-

Well, this was just about the cutest thing I'd ever seen, so I snapped a quick screenshot, knowing that such a thing would probably never happen again. It never has!


  1. If he chases your mouse, then would he stop and lay down when your mouse stops? And if so, then couldn't you emulate that picture? Just wondering...
