Saturday, June 27, 2009


Hello, dear Lewis Lifers!

  We've seen quite a bit of 'li'l guy' or 'Killer' or 'Li'l Killer' recently, so I thought that I would post the original sketch for him. I was playing around with watercolor and just filling pages with random doodles...and this came out. Often when I'm sketching characters I include a speech balloon or two that kind of sums up their character or their purpose- in this case, when I drew this cute little guy holding a mean looking axe, immediately he seemed very much like one of those paradoxical persons who look one way and act quite the opposite.
 Anyway, a little while later he lost his name (boring) and he gained some legs (because I decided I'd had enough legless personnel in my comic) and appeared here!
  (He's changed his look a little, but if you check out the first comic he looks quite a bit like the original sketch!)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

13 Lessons learned from listening to an hour of Country.

The other day I was listening to country (because that's all they play at work) and I was amazed at how many insightful messages came out of the radio. So I decided to listen to an hour of country and write down all of the lessons on how to live I learned from it.
   And here they are.

-Love her and never let her go, even if she's just toying with you.
-Drinking is the most fun you'll ever have.
-Hold on 'till she's gone.
-'God is great, beer is good, people are crazy.'
-Just wait; He'll love you eventually (after he comes to his senses and realizes that his girlfriend has nothing on you.)
-The weekends are for women and beer.
-Manipulate women: It's good, clean fun!
-If you have enough stuff, you'll be happy!
-You worked hard this week- you earned the right to sink into a drunken stupor. 
-Work is the worst thing in life; weekends are the best.
-Use alcohol to get people to do what you want them to do.
-America isn't only a really cool country, it's the best. No contest, the best. Best. Bestest. Best-best (and Americans are the master race).
-Drunkenness is justification for everything, and it's all really fun!

Since country is full of such intelligent, important lessons, I strongly suggest that parents let their children listen to country.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Comic Time!

Welcome to the first 'Comic Time!' page. These are pages that have nothing to do with Lewis's Life, but just are random cartoon art.
   This is a little bank robbery scene. Enjoy.

P.S. This almost should be a sketchpage, because there IS a link to L'sL. Can you spot it?

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Here is the continuation and summation of the brief, yet pithy 'Karn and Angelo' graphic novel. This work was created with the intent that the reader fill in the story that occurs after the four pages of this comic in their head. Actually, I just quit because that last panel looked terrible and I didn't want to redraw the whole page. Oh well.
Maybe I'll revisit Karn and Angelo someday- except their names would be switched.

L'sL connexion- You know this one (Karn). However, the last page has a stellar example of how all of my works are connected. That large black beast in the first panel is strongly reminiscent of a character named Andrews in my comic Tooth & Claw.