Friday, July 17, 2009

Best parental advice ever.

I was sitting on lunch, I was sitting on a bench, on my lunch break. I mean, the bench wasn't on my lunch break, I was. But then- if I was on the bench on my lunch break, was the bench taking a lunch break too? I don't know- it's all moot anyway. On this lunch break I picked up a friendly brochure that boasted that it would advise parents 'how to talk with your kids about smoking'.  inside the dubiously designed cover (I'm a designer- what can I say? The cover made me want to laugh and throw up at the same time) was a couple of paragraphs of helpful statistics (...and as my Dad says, there's Lies, **** Lies and there's statistics. And yes, he does censor that joke like I just did.) and a list of bullet points which were 'helpful tips to help you talk to your kids'. There were very helpful: such pointers as the Nikesque 'Just do it' to the sentences attempting to scare parents into submission to the idea of smoking as the Original Sin (I say that speaking against smoking is Racism: after all, the native Americans gave it to us, didn't they? I guess smoking is a greater sin) but the thing that really caught my eye was the last wonderful piece of advice, reproduced here for your enlightenment:

 And get this: the study cited as the source of this quotation was a study called "Do as I say..."

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