Saturday, June 27, 2009


Hello, dear Lewis Lifers!

  We've seen quite a bit of 'li'l guy' or 'Killer' or 'Li'l Killer' recently, so I thought that I would post the original sketch for him. I was playing around with watercolor and just filling pages with random doodles...and this came out. Often when I'm sketching characters I include a speech balloon or two that kind of sums up their character or their purpose- in this case, when I drew this cute little guy holding a mean looking axe, immediately he seemed very much like one of those paradoxical persons who look one way and act quite the opposite.
 Anyway, a little while later he lost his name (boring) and he gained some legs (because I decided I'd had enough legless personnel in my comic) and appeared here!
  (He's changed his look a little, but if you check out the first comic he looks quite a bit like the original sketch!)