Sunday, April 26, 2009

History of me, Pt. 3...

First things firstly.
Ta Da! I'm still working on it, but there it is.

History of me pt 3.

Yes, those are Superguy and Torty. I just took a pen and dashed them out with no trouble- a testament to how much I practiced drawing these guys. I hardly ever got around to drawing comics with them, but I sure knew how to draw the characters! I was sure that the characters were the most important things- but I hadn't figured out that even with good characters you still needed to put them into comics for them to be worth something.

Yes, Superguy's real name was Kent Clark. And yes, he had a curl that appeared whenever he turned into Superguy. But I was just starting out: give me some slack (of course, I still am 'just starting out').
Fun Fact: Verne in his LB costume looked a whole lot like Torty (with his shell and everything). This wasn't purposeful, but it was fun when I realized it. Actually, I would probably go so far as to say that Verne is a kickback to the days of Superguy when all my 'people' we lizard people. Who knows, though- I'll leave the Psychological speculation to my fiance (Brilliant psychology major).


Monday, April 20, 2009

History of me, Pt. 2.

First a little news: the new website is developing really well, and very quickly! I love the ease of Wordpress's use. I guess that goes to show you that sometimes it's just better to pay little money. I'll post a link fairly soon!

Now we transport back in time...
The comic I drew on that piece of slick white cardboard was called Superguy and Torty. It was a superhero comic about a lizard- man (sound familiar?) and his turtle sidekick Torty. It also had a bad-guy-lizard with a hood and a bad eye, and two high-school students (who seems old and mature at the time) named Burt and Punky. Burt was boring, but Punky was a Goth/hardcore/who knows what lizard man. He had a new hairstyle every comic, and, as he explained it, he just 'woke up that way'- Stylish Bedhead, as it were. (but his bedhead was in the form of Mohawks, beehives and spikes) My plan was for him to have a different hairstyle evey comic for the entire run, once I got my comic in the paper. Then Pierce in Zits appeared and I realized that Punky would seem unoriginal. How dare Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman gang up on a pre-teen that they knew could not pursue legal action!!! I was incensed.
'Superguy' lasted for quite a while...the characters grew and I actually got a comic published in a homeschool newspaper (My head wouldn't fit through the door).

....Hmm...I think I've come to a stopping point. I wanted to post some pictures of Superguy, but I do not have any currently. I shall have to conclude for now and come back with scans...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Today I have had a minor epiphany. I have come to the conclusion that the short-term purpose of this blog is to give you a history of my cartooning career. I'll post examples of previous work (I save almost everything, even the really horrid stuff), and explain how I got to where I am.

History of me, pt. 1

One morn when I was about 12, I was sitting in the car with my family waiting for...something... I don't remember quite what... but I had been waiting an unbearably long time (since I was 12, probably 8 Minutes), and I was incredibly bored (since I had the attention span of a gnat). I wanted to draw, but I didn't have any paper- a situation made even more unbearable by the fact that I had access to one of Dad's Really Cool Pens: pens that he always kept in the front of this shirt pocket. They weren't the regular roller ball pens, but they weren't plastic- of fiber-tipped pens either: they had metal tips that seemed to have little slits in the end to emit ink with a very beautiful line and even flow. I loved those pens so much that when I borrowed them I would occasionally 'forget' to give them back.
Earlier in the day (probably in a vain attempt to bribe me and my 4 siblings into giving her relative peace and quiet) my wonderful mother had bought a package of mini Butterfingers candy bars. We devoured them quickly, and lo and behold! underneath the sweets was a pristine, virgin expanse of white cardboard- perfect for a scrawny 12-year-old's artistic aspirations.
I requested one of the coveted pens and began to create.

To be contrived...

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Easter is here, and we are awash in...gummy worms. Yes, I went home and found out that my family has somehow contrived to receive 15 pounds of gummy worms in preparation for Easter!
As I look at the nutritional panel (pretty much an oxymoron on a gummy worms bag) I see that
1. The serving size is 11 pieces.
2. There are 56 servings per bag.
3. MY family procured 3 bags for Easter.

So...11 x 56 x 3 (pull up computer's calculator)...

This Easter we have quite a few worms...

(Yes, I counted.)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hello, friends, family and people I don't know.

It occurs to me that I have no idea what to put in a blog.
What is the purpose of a blog, actually? The name 'Web Log' is not very descriptive.
I do not intend for this to be a journal...with a resource like the Internet it is already far too easy to lay a private individual's life bare without the need for them to write their thoughts and feelings about What Kind Of A Day They Had for all to see (in my humble opinion). I do not want this to become a relatively pointless collection of random words that I beg you to appreciate for my sake- I want to give you a reason to read this blog. What is that reason? Well, I don't really know yet- perhaps I should have figured out the purpose of this blog before I started it...but that seems to be the way I end up operating. I know that this is supposed to be about Lewis's Life, but since questions probably aren't forthcoming, and I can think of nothing instructive to write about my work at this time, I am at a loss.
Rest assured, I shall contrive to produce a purpose in due time.

What is the purpose, anyway?

Monday, April 6, 2009


After I tried for an hour or two to get blogger to add this blog to my website, I decided to stick to the blogspot site for now.

Anyway, temporary setbacks aside, the Official Lewis's Life Blog, golB, is now up and running! How far it will run, however, it still in question.

-The Gentleman Artist