Saturday, June 20, 2009

13 Lessons learned from listening to an hour of Country.

The other day I was listening to country (because that's all they play at work) and I was amazed at how many insightful messages came out of the radio. So I decided to listen to an hour of country and write down all of the lessons on how to live I learned from it.
   And here they are.

-Love her and never let her go, even if she's just toying with you.
-Drinking is the most fun you'll ever have.
-Hold on 'till she's gone.
-'God is great, beer is good, people are crazy.'
-Just wait; He'll love you eventually (after he comes to his senses and realizes that his girlfriend has nothing on you.)
-The weekends are for women and beer.
-Manipulate women: It's good, clean fun!
-If you have enough stuff, you'll be happy!
-You worked hard this week- you earned the right to sink into a drunken stupor. 
-Work is the worst thing in life; weekends are the best.
-Use alcohol to get people to do what you want them to do.
-America isn't only a really cool country, it's the best. No contest, the best. Best. Bestest. Best-best (and Americans are the master race).
-Drunkenness is justification for everything, and it's all really fun!

Since country is full of such intelligent, important lessons, I strongly suggest that parents let their children listen to country.