Saturday, May 30, 2009


It is now time for the first golB Lewis's Life SKETCHPAGE!

With these sketchpages of mine that I will be posting periodically I want to show you some of the background of Lewis's Life- there is quite a bit, if you dig back far enough. I'm not going to attempt to put it all in chronological order- (Never dated my doodles!) But almost anything I post as a sketchpage will have something to do with Lewis's Life. I'll post random doodles, my old 'newspaper format' comics, designs, graphic novel pages, source sketches for characters...the works. It'll be fun.

This first offering is the first two pages of a graphic novel that I started working on one day on a whim. I only ended up drawing four pages (I'll post the next two next week), but the ones I did finish ended up looking rather cool.

Yeah, I have no idea who that robot at the beginning was.

Link to L'sL: This guy, Karn, is basically Lewis with attitude and sunglasses. And steroids.