Sunday, May 3, 2009


History of me, Pt 4.

Superguy and Torty soon fell by the wayside. I decided that the characters were lame and cliche and I didn't like them any more. So, I decided to move on to more sophisticated material- little monsters trying to eat each other in a fictional world. I created a comic strip entitled "Tooth and Claw', where small, vicious little monsters ran around and tried to eat each other. All the little guys called each other my their last names, and were very polite. I also still harbor the suspicion that they were British. Hmm.
Their names were Roberts, Andrews and Shultz.
They were all very good friends, had tea together, and never held the hunter's instinct against the others.It was an interesting little strip. I actually prepared a submission, photocopied that comics at the size they should be, wrote a letter the the syndicate...and decided it wasn't good enough just before I sent it in. My self doubt probably kept me from earning millions when I was 15, but at least I was tyrannous enough to myself to be motivated to improve (those who think they are the best they could be don't see any reason to work hard). I got better, but I just couldn't think up a good character...I was STUCK.

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